Monday, July 30, 2007

Ten More Minutes

Okay, I wrote about my hero last week and mentioned at the end that I wish I had paid homage to my mom before she died. I have very few regrets from the first 39 years of life but this is truly one of them. So, today I’m pondering what I tell my mom if I had just ten more minutes with her.

· I would ask the most important question any person can answer. Do you have a relationship with Jesus Christ and have you accepted Him as your savior? I came to Christ after she passed so this is a conversation that never happened. This side of glory I will not know the answer.

· I would tell her how thankful I am that she and my father chose to adopt me as their son, giving me a great childhood and teaching me so much. Heaven only knows how different my life would be today had they not, and I will forever be grateful.

· I’d tell her how sorry I am that I was such a self-centered teenager. The cases are too many to mention.

· I would tell her how sorry I am that I was not there to hold her hand as she passed away. I mentioned I have few regrets in my life but this is at the top of the list. I wish I had that summer to do over.

I guess my bottom line in writing these out is to emphasize that life is short, you won’t always have tomorrow to tell those you love all there is to say. I know my mom was proud of me and loved me, but it’s painful to think that she may not have known that I felt the same way about her.

Tell them today, call them now, write them, get in the car and drive over to them…right now. Turn the computer off, the radio off, the TV off and go do it.

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