Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Still Here...

After an all too long hiatus I'm logging back in to update my numbers and search for motivation to re-engage in my training. Since I wrote last we've celebrated Halloween, my wife's birthday in New York City (watched some of the NYC Marathon while in town and ran through Central Park - highly recommended by the way), and enjoyed Thanksgiving with family.

What I haven't been doing regularly is running...and now I have 60 days if I plan to run my marathon on Super Bowl Sunday. Every day I don't run I'm further from my goal and wrestle with rationalization, denial and self defeating thoughts. Setting goals and following through it tough stuff.

Well I'm not going to spend my night writing about what I'm not doing, I'm going to spend the night doing.

Until next time...keep moving forward.


Nancy said...

Hope you are joining us for 8 this weekend. I posted some virtual race shirts on my site. Will that get you going??? :D

The Amazing Trips said...

Setting goals and following through is REALLY tough stuff. Especially when it's cold and windy outside and you could sit inside and sip on a nice cup of warm tea.

UGH. I'm "training" for a 10K in six weeks and I've yet to run more than a mile w/o feeling like a lung is going to dislodge...