Friday, September 7, 2007

I Know I'm a Runner Because...

10. I no longer count mowing the yard and pushing a stroller as 'cross-training'
9. Walking up a flight of stairs doesn't leave me winded like it used to
8. I sleep better at night
7. I'm eager to log my miles or my cross-training activity for the day
6. I actually am eating more vegetables (my mom would be so proud)
5. My wife told me I don't have the mini-shelf belly that I had been nurturing along
4. My kids don't tell me I'm fat and old anymore, just old
3. My clothes fit better and I'm walking taller
2. Running up hills doesn't intimidate me anymore

And the #1 way I know I'm a runner is because.....

1. I look forward to my 5am alarm.

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